Chuck Norris Will Kill Your Phone

Chuck comes out with a new mobile phone game that will kick your phone's @ss! Do phones really have an....oh!!...the battery....YEAH! Gotcha! :P

read more | digg story


vinyl siding said…
Hey mate, thanks for posting but this post isn't vewable in Safari it is showing only half the page.
With all the doggone snow we have gotten recently I am stuck inside , fortunately there is the internet, thanks for giving me something to do. :)
Hey we was just looking at your post on my Pure phone and I was wondering how well it will work on the new ipad thats coming out. Fleeting thought.... Anyway thanks!
Thanks for some quality points there. I am kind of new to web surfing, so I printed this off to put in my file, any better way to go about keeping track of it then printing?

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