Back Stage footage of Miss Louisiana 2008 production!

This is SO cool! My mom chatted this to me this morning! It's a glimpse behind the curtain viewing on stage! Apparently one of the cute, little muchkin mom's caught some footage! It's pretty weird seeing it from this angle! We did it Thursday, Friday and Saturday and this is from Saturday night. The kids were REALLY good and well behaved! I was SO impressed!!

Check it out!

Thanks mom for finding this for me!!

On to see Wimby this morning!! SO excited....and a little sleepy!!! Go Rafa!!!


Anonymous said…
Thanks for the comment! It was me, the "wizard", that shot the video. None of my family remembered to record the show for us. =( So, at least we have this little film as a keepsake.
By the way, I found one of your albums on amazonmp3 the other day. I listened to the preview of each song and loved it! It'll probably be my next album purchase.
It was a great experience to get to work with you!
Anonymous said…
How cool!! I have a picture of you on the YouTube thingy!! :) That's cool that you did that!!! I thought about it, but I was just so busy that week and I forgot my camera! :(
And thank you on the music!! What is your mailing address? I would be happy to send you a CD!! Being that you were the wizard and all!! :)
You can email it to!
Talk soon,

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