
Showing posts from July, 2008

Chuck Norris Will Kill Your Phone

Chuck comes out with a new mobile phone game that will kick your phone's @ss! Do phones really have an....oh!!...the battery....YEAH! Gotcha! :P read more | digg story

Great Mobile Sties to Check out!

In my quest to find something SIMPLE as in mobile applications....preferably WYSIWYG ones...I've found 2 really cool sites that you may want to check out! The first is Zinadoo! You can create a FREE mobile website with limited ads and a nice, simple .mobi link. It creates a nice WAP site viewable on all types of mobile phones! (Looked great on my Smartphone AND my freebie WAP-only phone!) Features: -add video via youtube -have a link to a telephone number (clicking it automatically dials the number from that persons mobile) -VERY easy to use! The site I made: (check it out in your mobile phone) Second is Beam it up Scotty You can convert and upload files from your computer to your mobile phone for FREE! -upload any type of file that your mobile phone can get (video, photo, documents...etc.) -iPhone compatible -you choose the compression rates -it sends an SMS/text message link on your cell phone These are pretty ... WIMBY champ!!!

Yeah, I cried!! How much could I handle!! The 2 rain delays......just AMAZING!!! I'm just WOW!!!!! No words! Roger did try everything! Both of these guys!! The best match EVER!!!! Seriously!!!! Yep, back in 2005 (although the photos are gone for some reason!) I knew he was one to watch!! Wow!!!

Back Stage footage of Miss Louisiana 2008 production!

This is SO cool! My mom chatted this to me this morning! It's a glimpse behind the curtain viewing on stage! Apparently one of the cute, little muchkin mom's caught some footage! It's pretty weird seeing it from this angle! We did it Thursday, Friday and Saturday and this is from Saturday night. The kids were REALLY good and well behaved! I was SO impressed!! Check it out! Thanks mom for finding this for me!! On to see Wimby this morning!! SO excited....and a little sleepy!!! Go Rafa!!!

Miss Texas 2008

Feeling much better today!! But wanted everyone to know about the Miss Texas pageant! It's going to be online LIVE tonight at 7pm CST and available all month! Just go to the Miss Texas Website or click here: This link should work for today! Arkansas's Outstanding Teen is going on too, but not online! Break a Leg Klancy (teen AR) and Margaret & Brittany (Texas)!!

I'm beat tired!

I tried to do....nothing today!! I'm SO exhausted from this past month! Phew! I had fun, but it's now back to "normal"....whatever that is! :) I did play around with some stuff though and I'm not sure if I did this correctly, but I made a toolbar for this site and links AND I put a deal on YouTube with Audio Only (but with pictures) from the Miss Louisiana 2008 production with me, Linnea and Melissa!! Let me know what you think!! Toolbar: YouTube: **More stuff to come soon!!!