Why My Podcast Didn’t Work

Karmyn KastBrief Background…

Back in 2005, I decided to give blogging a serious go. Not knowing where to turn, I found BlogHarbor (now PressHarbor) and began public journaling.

At the same time, I had completed my first (and only -yes, I know) vocal solo album and (having recorded independently) needed a way to market…for free. My mom found The Podcast Music Network (now Music Alley from Mevio). We put my cover tune of Gershwin’s Summertime on the PMN and it was picked up by Adam Curry‘s Daily Source Code. Realizing that we couldn’t put cover tunes up, (duh! and oops!) I quickly wrote a tune called Drifting and recorded it with my then music collaborator C. Meeks. (That song has been my most played and liked of all my originals.)

Podcasters and new fans started reading my blog and encouraged me to start a podcast. I did. At first it was audio only (the most fun for me) and then, as listeners demanded, video came after.

I never had expensive equipment I couldn’t afford it. I enjoyed working with what I had and stretching the “box” of my limitations. Still do!

So…what I did wrong.

#1.I never really took it seriously. It was always for fun. Not that I didn’t look into monetizing, I did. But for fun, not actually make money…although it was nice to get a few dollars here and there.

#2 I didn’t respond to forward thrusting opportunities in a timely manner. I didn’t realize how quickly I needed to…and MORE so now. The internet community WILL leave you and leave you behind. It’s not personal…it’s not even business! It just IS.

#3 My information was spread over too many social network mediums. I was and still am an early adopter. What gets my motor running is the next big online social “thing.” I still have 4 different mySpace accounts (yes, it still exists), Two Twitter accounts,  Two YouTube accounts, Two Vimeo accounts, Two Blip accounts, Multiple LinkedIn accounts that I FINALLY got blended, enough gmail accounts to make your head spin and at least 15 different additional social sites I had (and still have) to update at the same time for continuity. (…and boy am I behind on them ALL!)

#4 I spent too much time trying to have a perfect “professional” looking podcast. You CAN do a lot of cool tricks to make your podcast look and sound impressive with inexpensive equipment. I should have just stayed with my “home ground’ fun approach. I should have stayed an audio podcast!

#5 I was NEVER consistent! If I said I’d try to have a weekly podcast, it never happened…a monthly podcast…it never happened. I basically (but innocently) lied to my viewers/listeners. This stemmed from #1. I could see the potential, and KNEW that consistency was a key, but I wasn’t dedicated enough.

#6 I’d MUCH rather produce than host. A dilemma that haunted me in my high school broadcast journalism program. Since I was a singer, I could neutralize my East Texas accent so I was ALWAYS put on camera. Not being a people person (yes, that IS my personality) I would have rather been editing tape, writing copy and/or stories, or throwing interesting concepts around for a show than be in front of the camera.

and #7 I thought success would all happen automatically. Not without working. I worked my BUTT off, just not on the right things. I was just hoping I had a “My Generation” moment. You know, Roger Daltrey really DID suffer from stuttering…it’s what made the song GENIUS in my opinion.

So I say good by to the KarmynKast. I’m done. Okay…not really….(#5). But I am going back to what I started doing in the first place: Blogging.

…Oh…and enjoy one of my favorite songs: “My Generation” original vinyl recording.

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via WordPress http://karmyntyler.wordpress.com/2013/10/16/why-my-podcast-didnt-work/


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