American Idol - SHAME ON YOU!

I quit watching American Idol when Grammy award winning and Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson was kicked off back in 2004-05. I should not EVER have to explain that statement. I’ve consequently NOT encouraged my students to try-out. It (American Idol) isn’t about talent. Honestly….it’s NOT! So, I’m sitting here watching the female finalist of American Idol this season on Hulu. (No, we don’t have cable.) Well, if you follow my Facebook Page or Twitter, you KNOW that I teach Rachel Hale, the young artist who was voted off idol last week.

Now, I do understand that there are some FABULOUS female vocalists, BUT 70% of America thought that she (Rachel) should have continued on the show. I have nothing against the little girl she was (apparently) up against. She (Janelle Arthur) just happened to have a bad night, but she IS talented! BUT…as I mentioned before, American Idol is ALL about a story. (NOT talent!)

So, let’s talk Zoanette. Now, personality and story she has! And her charisma is addictive!! BUT, her last performance was sad. I really WANTED her to be good….GREAT in fact…because she’s such a sweet, nice girl with a great story and she’s CRAZY zany! That, said, NONE of that will alter my ears enough to think that she sounded fantastic. Honestly, I wish I could give her voice lessons FOR FREE to help her harness what she DOES have.

Unfortunately, I’m afraid, this is going to be a total embarrassment for her and SHAME on American Idol producers for not directing her and getting her to a vocal teacher NOT a vocal coach! Contestants that are top ten worthy should have their technique BEFORE hand as well as consistent pitch! (Bad performances happen….but this is NOT that situation!) Come on American Idol! Don’t crush this girl’s spirit by putting her in a place she’s not ready and not giving her the tools to sound better.

Now, back to Rachel. Randy mentioned the other night that they will have to get a wild card because the talent is so good. Fine. WHY NOT RACHEL HALE? If you have a twitter…let’s do it!

This will be my post:
@americanidol @rachelhalemusic #idolwildcard #rachelhale - WE WANT A HALE STORM!

Side note: Since I’ve not worked with someone on X-factor or America’s Got Talent, I have no idea how to compare.


Elaine said…
You are so right. I love American Idol, but I do question some of their decisions. Rachel should have gone a little further. I like to think I have an ear for music and some of the contestants really fall flat. Another thing, why 5 men and 5 women, why not just a top 10?

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