
Showing posts from March, 2013

Waiting for Spring...

Everyone told me that when you move to NYC you will get sick a total of 3 times within the first year. Really sick. Not just a cold or the regular flu. And a lot of things could factor in, I suppose. Change in weather (from California to NYC...huge difference whether I like snow or not....), more smog(? - come on LA is BAD!) and/or new flora & fauna. Whatever "IT" is, this is my third time! (Chris's too BTW.) It's the sick were you can 'keep going' but eventually end up flat on your back. Being a woman, I push and push until I HAVE to stay in bed. The last time I remember LIKING to stay in bed all day was grade school! I have found small beacons of hope sans antibiotics. It's Mushrooms! Shrooms Baby!! :P And Xylitol. Yes, the sweetener. First Xylitol , which I have used for a long time, but only to help with dryness. I read a little article that suggested (dont-cha love that) that Xylitol does not allow "germies" (my term) to attach to...

American Idol - SHAME ON YOU!

I quit watching American Idol when Grammy award winning and Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson was kicked off back in 2004-05. I should not EVER have to explain that statement. I’ve consequently NOT encouraged my students to try-out. It (American Idol) isn’t about talent. Honestly….it’s NOT! So, I’m sitting here watching the female finalist of American Idol this season on Hulu. (No, we don’t have cable.) Well, if you follow my Facebook Page or Twitter , you KNOW that I teach Rachel Hale, the young artist who was voted off idol last week. Now, I do understand that there are some FABULOUS female vocalists, BUT 70% of America thought that she (Rachel) should have continued on the show. I have nothing against the little girl she was (apparently) up against. She (Janelle Arthur) just happened to have a bad night, but she IS talented! BUT…as I mentioned before, American Idol is ALL about a story. (NOT talent!) So, let’s talk Zoanette. Now, personality and story she has! An...