Okay! I uploaded the BIG HONKIN' file to blip.tv and here it is!! I couldn't believe that they took THAT many MBs!! I'm blown away!!!!!
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Anonymous said…
We're thrilled you like blip! Thank you! Yours, Mike Co-founder & CEO, blip.tv
Anonymous said…
Wow! Thank you for stopping by to say hello!! You are VERY welcome! I'm SO excited about putting more episodes on blip! New one will be out this weekend!! :)
Anonymous said…
Blip is so addictive, thank you for sharing this. I have discovered it after reading your blog. pal tv
Anonymous said…
:) Cool!! It IS addictive! New Media is addictive!!!!
I can barely stomach ripe bananas! Seriously!! When I crave a banana it's ALWYS a green one! And I always get the same quote, "Green bananas will make your stomach hurt!" Ha! Dr. Mercola....one of the highly recognized health guru's o' stuff to eat says differently! http://www.mercola.com/nutritionplan/foodalert.htm#bananas See mom!! They won't make me ill and they never have! The ONLY way I will eat a ripe banana is with peanut butter (have to be careful eating too much of that (pb)....slight allergy)! So go eat cha some GREEN bananas!!!
I’ve already been getting birthday wishes, and heck I had a terrific day today!! I just HAD to share what Wes Allen wrote for me!! Thank you Wes!! You are wonderful!! Your Wish If you made a wish, what would it be. Your whole world can be whatever you please. Of the wishbone, you have the biggest half. Anything you want is yours, Karmyn Kast. Your accomplishments are tremendous. Our gifts from your heart are fine. Your life is a big celebration all the time. I’m happy to know you, pleased that you’re a part of my life. I wouldn’t give you up for anything. You’re so sweet and nice! Wes Allen, The Memory Specialist Visit here to see the September 11th Memorial www.PatrioticAmericanMemoryTraining.com/September11thMemorial.htm
Yes, it's been a long time. The long and the short of it? Family illness (my father is recovering perfectly - praise God!), I've been working (praise God!) and I have not had a lot of time. I honestly have 3 podcasts ready, BUT as I was getting the first one edited, one of my extended hard drives started acting strangely. I took it in and.....well......it's not looking good. For some reason it won't boot in my computer and it makes other computers crash. My LIFE is in that drive. My computer guy said I could pay $800 (WHAT!) to take it to a special transferring place. And one of his clients paid $15,000 to get that done. (The client? James Cameron.) Well, I don't have that kind of money, so he's (my computer guy) making a few phone calls to HP to see what can be done. I am grateful for a lot of things! And if the drive is lost for good, I'll have to start ALL over. All over. Not just with my kast, but also my music, my professional photos, resumes....everyth...
Co-founder & CEO, blip.tv
I'm SO excited about putting more episodes on blip! New one will be out this weekend!! :)