An AMAZING update!
Wow, I would have blogged before now, but I’ve been a bit in
shock….good shock! The amazing news? I have a Commercial Agent!! YEAH!!
I’ve VERY excited!! I can’t even begin!! I’m so excited about ‘going out’ and
having an AGENT again! I wasn’t sure how I was received at the interview….we
were all in a group and talked about ourselves and read in front of each other
while the agents looked on! Of course since they are Commercial/Print we read
sides (short bit of a script) from a Commercial. I read it, and then….since I
was from
asked for me to read it in my East Texan accent! I obliged and everyone
laughed!! It was funny too, this guys beside me was like, “That’s SO great!” I
thought to myself…..”Well, I’m from
use!” Oye!! He was gorgeous though……model…..yeah! Anyway, talk about a miracle!
There are people out here who don’t have an agent period! Granted, commercial
agents are the easiest to get…..not really easy…..just about 15% higher probability
than a theatrical agent, but hey, it’s a start. It was 6 months to the DAY that
they called and said that they wanted to represent me! If you’re not in the
business…you may not understand what a miracle that IS!! There are people who
have been up here for years and still can’t snag one! What’s funny? I prayed
that it would take 6 months. In fact, I kinda gave God a date! (Ha!! Like that
ever works!)
I was thinking August 30th, but the funny thing was I wrote it on my
calendar wrong….I put 9/30/07 instead of 8/30/07. Well, thank goodness God
likes to joke!
NOW…I can’t WAIT to be submitted on spots!! I really do LOVE commercials! They
are SO much fun!!! YEAH!!!
Oh, also, I have worked on 2 other sets…just another FYI –
this past week I worked on Boston Legal and Desperate Housewives and I have to
say….it’s a toss up as to how nice the cast and crews were! They were both
AMAZING and SOOOO nice! And I’m NOT just saying…typing that!!
It all feels VERY good! Thank you guys and
gals for the thoughts and prayers coming my way!! Keep ‘em coming! I’m STOKED!!
It’s just a miracle from God!!!!! Thank you – Praise you