Wow, I would have blogged before now, but I’ve been a bit in shock….good shock! The amazing news? I have a Commercial Agent!! YEAH!! I’ve VERY excited!! I can’t even begin!! I’m so excited about ‘going out’ and having an AGENT again! I wasn’t sure how I was received at the interview….we were all in a group and talked about ourselves and read in front of each other while the agents looked on! Of course since they are Commercial/Print we read sides (short bit of a script) from a Commercial. I read it, and then….since I was from Texas ….was asked for me to read it in my East Texan accent! I obliged and everyone laughed!! It was funny too, this guys beside me was like, “That’s SO great!” I thought to myself…..”Well, I’m from Texas (East Texas and Southwest Arkansas) so I should be able to have a heck of an accent in my pocket just a-waitin’ to use!” Oye!! He was gorgeous though……model…..yeah! Anyway, talk about a miracle! There are people out here who don’t have an age...