1st a shout out to Robert Trudeau for an awesome “blog-write” on the show this week in Shreveport! THANK YOU!! You are SO sweet!! I am REALLY excited!! Plus the fact that I get to work with my best friend, Jennifer Dowd-Stone and her husband Dr. Tomas Stone! (hee, hee! The Finale track was awesome, Tom!) It should be cool…well not outside! I have to find my favorite sun dress to sing in…cause we gonna be sweatin’!!! And Tom, let us hope that I do your favorite song justice!! Maybe as well as Ella?….well almost as well…she’s was just A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!
And 2nd-ly a shout out to Bill in Austin!! How funny!! Yes, it’s tiresome to read the Nadal banter! I understand!! And concur! My mom said I came out of the womb boy crazy…and it seems to run in our family genes! But, I’m not THAT freaky!! I’m a very excitable person at heart. Plus, it’s just fun to pretend! And THANK YOU for your encouragement with Nadal!! (HA!) We just need to start a petition to him!! Hey, I’m right in Texas! I could live in Spain! I’ve always wanted bilingual children! J (hee, hee!) “…only Make Believe…” And, of course, that’s what it is…..(sigh). I’m just being a silly-bear!
To all - feel free to download the voice mail!! I laughed SO hard...while I was trying not to have a wreck driving down the street!! (Hee, hee!) And Bill, thank you for taking the to time read my blog! I am honored! BTW - I trust you will get to your destination safely! Gotta love flying!
Hmmmmm….should I start my own podcast? Aaron…where are you? J I think I know who my first guest would be!! I talked to her today!!! Hmmmmm.......
The fact that you posted my message as an mp3 nudged me to get a music blog going.