
Showing posts from June, 2006

Buh-NAH-nuh!! (hee, hee!!)

Okay, I’m really sleepy so this will be as quick as possible! HA!   Cool day! Everyone was great!! Or as Julie says, “phenomenal!” If you don’t know what I’m talking about visit my xanga !   Okay the moment I wanted which would not have been possible in a final because they are in the same draw…pay attention, Karmyn…Agassi vs. Nadal!! ARG!! And I’m going to MISS it!! It’s gonna be on SATURDAY!!!! So….if you see it, feel free to scoff at me!! Although I will be doing something really cool….I SO want to see that match!!! Well, I’d have to watch the scoreboard thingy on the net anyway!! That’s what I had to do today for the Nadal/Kendrich match! WHOA!! 25 aces for Kendrich?? H-E-L-L-O!!! I caught Nadal on his 6 th !! J Anyway, I had to listen to it via internet and watch the live scoreboard…..which was interesting!! And a bit cool!! But the scoreboard was more “live” that the radio, which was NOT cool!! The dude irritated me because he kept mispronouncing Nadal’s name…Nay-DELL!!...

Tennis Time!!! My picks...but not exactly because of the way they play...hee, hee...go figure!

As you tennis fans know, Wimbledon is ON!! I haven’t gotten to watch many matches because of my schedule, but I’ve checked…as OFTEN as I possibly could!!!   All that matters is that Andre is STILL in!! I saw an interview with him yesterday…amongst the “who will Brad Gilbert be coaching” episode!! Oye!! He (Andre) seems SO happy & fulfilled!! As I watched, I remembered one of the MANY reasons I like him!! His smile!! It’s so honest and real!! It’s probably one of the best smiles I have ever seen! He just beams!! (Julianne don’t start with me on the whole Brooke & Andre thing…now’s not the time!!!) But he’s retiring this year…his last Wimbledon !! How AWESOME it would be if he won!!!!!!! And how sad that I will never see him play again…well not as an ATP man!! L One of “goals” is shot!! Ah well!! Such is life!! But I really am bummed about it! Maybe if I can get to the US Open this year….but I don’t see that happening…(sigh) L   Who I’m watching? Agassi (of course, TH...

Best in Show!

I went to my first dog show today!! Why? You ask. My cousin shows American Eskimos. They’re BEAUTIFUL!! Ya know, I’ve never heard the word….well, I just can’t type it out….you know - witch with a “b”. (So, I’ll just substitute, “b-witch”) Well, I have NEVER heard that word said so many times in one day and NOT be used as a curse! ARG!! It was unnerving at first, and then I was okay. The phrase, “Wow, that’s a really nice b-witch!” had a whole different meaning for me. And I agreed with the person saying that on many occasions.   I remember in college my roommate and I getting caught up watching Westminster’s one weekend! Then our friends came over and we all got into it too…it was weird! So I still watch it occasionally. I like watching them at home because Annie barks at all of the dogs.   Anyway, it’s really just a pageant for dogs!! And MAN do these people take it seriously! (Anyone remember the movie Best in Show!? Christopher Guest…nailed it!!!!! I should rent that movie ...

Big Brass Sports Band!!!

Okay, first of all, last night was a BLAST!! It was one of those…I’m supposed to be here…moments. Ya know!! I was just honored to be with those guys…and 2 girls (HA!)…it was just WOW! Live instrumentation, all of that crazy focused energy…whoa! I have to admit: The Setzer number was one of my FAVS!! Have the CD and it’s AWESOME!!!! And Mark flippin’ ROCKED!!! (Jen & I asked if we could kiss his fingers!!) I’m SO listening to the track right now!!!! And, uh, Mr. Setzer….I believe Mark SO ran you OFF!! And MIKE!! My mom is in love with you….not like THAT, but in love with your trumpet playin’!!! Jen & I sat back down from a potty break and mom turned to me and said, “I’m in love!!” Ya see where I get it??? Oh, and, I prevented her (my mother) from dancing on any more tables!! (hee, hee!! For those who needed to know that bit of info…and you KNOW who you are!) Oh and Jim!! Mr. College basketball coach , you are SO COOL!!! Forgoing the FINAL to come hear us?? Now THAT’S friendship!...


OH MY GAW!!! While I’m about to get my “beauty…uh vocal rest” for tomorrow, I just HAD to blog about the Summer Band rehearsal!! Jaw-dropping, flippin’ out, oh my gosh!!! SO Jen, mom and & I go to the rehearsal hall in time to hear, Mike Williams , uh the LEAD TRUMPET PLAYER for the Count Basie band!! HELLO!!!! He hit notes I could not BELIEVE!! WHOA!!!!!!!!! Absolutely Amazing!! People where so flippin’ out they were calling people and letting them hear him on their cells… He’s just…OH MY GOSH!! No words!! And THEN, I get up to rehearse and the band just blows me way!! They are flippin’ amazing!!! The charts were PERFECT!!! PERFECT!!!! And THANK YOU Vicki for helping me “corner” the Ella song! It SO worked!!! BUT, in the middle of Big Time when the guitar solo hits….Mark Griffith …ripped it up!!!!!! I was like peeing on myself…well not really….but WHOA!!! I was so in AWE that Bob…sorry I don’t know your last name…the sop. sax player had to remind me to come back in and finish out ...

Okay I just HAD to blog again because of an email and voice message that I got from 2 really cool guys!!

1st a shout out to Robert Trudeau for an awesome “blog-write” on the show this week in Shreveport ! THANK YOU!! You are SO sweet!! I am REALLY excited!! Plus the fact that I get to work with my best friend, Jennifer Dowd-Stone and her husband Dr. Tomas Stone ! (hee, hee! The Finale track was awesome, Tom!) It should be cool…well not outside! I have to find my favorite sun dress to sing in…cause we gonna be sweatin’!!! And Tom, let us hope that I do your favorite song justice!! Maybe as well as Ella?….well almost as well…she’s was just A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!   And 2 nd -ly a shout out to Bill in Austin !! How funny!! Yes, it’s tiresome to read the Nadal banter! I understand!! And concur ! My mom said I came out of the womb boy crazy…and it seems to run in our family genes! But, I’m not THAT freaky!! I’m a very excitable person at heart. Plus, it’s just fun to pretend! And THANK YOU for your encouragement with Nadal!! (HA!) We just need to start a petition to him!! Hey, I’m right in...

The Queen Mother............

Oh my GOSH!!! Check out this podcast!! My mom is now been dubbed the “Queen Mother” on RLF !!! AAAHHHHHHH!! J   Nuff Said Just listen!!!! Hee, hee!!! Eban… are beyond awesome!! And thank you for all of the awesome emails of encouragement!! They really help!! Bless you!!! I mean that!! Here’s a HUGE hug from Texas!!! RLF Royal Court    

Part Deux and not much shorter!!! In fact, it’s just as long, I think…..or longer…

Off court RANDOM: Nadal seems so shy and unpretentious off the court, but on court…hello! BAM!! And that’s like really attractive!! And Roger seems like SUCH a nice guy!! I know he used to have a lot of anger problems in the juniors…it’s really sick that I know that…but he’s such a gentleman…and that’s really attractive too!!   Okay moral dilemma! I don’t think of “bad” things when I think of Nadal…compared to some people’s idea of “bad” like “really bad!” But, OYE!! He’s SO hot!! And thank you Eric (Cohen) for the email on Nadal or…how did you put it? “You’re hot hunkie tennis guy won the French!” If he were “MY” tennis guy I would be the happiest girl in the universe! (forget Gerard Butler!…seriously….I’m SO fickle!….story of my life!!) Oh and Eric…thanks for reading the blog!! AND thank you for playing my music…could ya play “Make Believe” for me as a dedication to Nadal!! J I’m SOOOO serious!! (S.W.A.K.!!) WAER Jazz 88 Rocks!! Kudos, man!!   Nadal, BTW, is the ONLY 20 y...

If you don’t like tennis or me drooling over Nadal….don’t read this!!

This is loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong! Just a warning……may separate it!! OYE! It really is noxious! I’ll read this a few days later and mentally vomit, I know!!!   Part 1   I am a sick puppy! I soooo had to Tivo the French , and I thought…man this is going to be anticlimactic. I actually found out who won via cell phone at lunch and I FREAKED OUT in the middle of Applebee’s! Woo-Who!! 60 straight clay court wins!! AMAZING! RAFA!!!!!!! And he’s SO flippin’ cute!! When I looked at the score I though,   “WHOA I HAVE to watch this!!” He won, 1-6 (eek!) 6-1 (ahhhh!) 6-4 (SWEEET!) 7-6 with a 7-4 tiebreak!!   Nadal & Federer are polar opposites!! Nadal has enough energy for 50 people at once and Federer acts like he could play tennis and “do his nails” at the same time!! It is just amazing to watch tennis…a rage of focused energy!! L-O-V-E it!!   How cute!! In the middle of a matches, Nadal has this funny little habit….he constantly, constantly, let me say it aga...

smart & sexy!

Too sleepy (and giggly) to mondo-blog…more on that later….but NEWS FLASH…not really, but yeah…been watching the French ….pretty predictable….(boo-hoo) but Nadal/Federer wanna see it!!!!! And WILL!!!!!!!! AAAHHH!!! This should be AWESOME!!! Who do I go for? Rock star or athletic genius?….Judging by the TV shows I like….the athletic genius, BUT one of my favs. (TV) Numb3rs…that guy is just TOO cute & sexy...and SMART!!!!! He’s like Federer & Nadal combined…in the field of mathematics mind you…man if HE was my math tutor in school…..AAAAHH!!…he makes me giggle!! And the info gleaned from the show….(ah)…makes my brain expand…I LOVE that feeling!!! Oye!! I need to go back to bed…at least its dark now!!! Still crushin’ on Nadal though…. Vamos ! It would, however, a most historic moment for Roger…..I would honestly be happy for him!!