The Karmyn Kontroversy...eek!
First off, I’m up waaaay too early! Gotta love having a domestic pet…especially on trash day! ARG! So, I gotta an email from my mom. My mom who googles me about 50 times a day, (I guess that’s what mom’s are for!) found some interesting info on the comment posts that goes along with yesterday’s blog that…uh…sorta cleared a few things up on the …cover tune thing. So I wanted to share. Here’s that link:
I think it’s about 8 or so cells down on the controversy on playing my album tunes on Podcasts. It’s a bit weird that’s I’m having any type of “controversy.” I’m such a Libra!! “Make love not war!!” blah, blah, blah. But thank you Michael for the clarification. I am grateful that you explained “it” and that you played my tunes. God bless, man!!
Okay, I’m going to have my 4th cup of coffee, now!!