The Karmyn Kontroversy...eek!

First off, I’m up waaaay too early! Gotta love having a domestic pet…especially on trash day! ARG! So, I gotta an email from my mom. My mom who googles me about 50 times a day, (I guess that’s what mom’s are for!) found some interesting info on the comment posts that goes along with yesterday’s blog that…uh…sorta cleared a few things up on the …cover tune thing. So I wanted to share. Here’s that link:


I think it’s about 8 or so cells down on the controversy on playing my album tunes on Podcasts. It’s a bit weird that’s I’m having any type of “controversy.” I’m such a Libra!! “Make love not war!!” blah, blah, blah. But thank you Michael for the clarification. I am grateful that you explained “it” and that you played my tunes. God bless, man!!  


Okay, I’m going to have my 4th cup of coffee, now!!


Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday......Hope this Kontroversy doesn't cloud your day!! tee hee
MBT Men Shoes said…
Oh..wonderfull post and great information …will have a try all the tips..thanks…
mbt tataga said…
Keep it clean, no wind and stay away from aluminum, it’s rather fickle!

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