It was a sad, sad, sad day for Nadal fans!! Blake kept his cool and beat Nadal. It was an awesome match. Blake was fantastic; Nadal was a bit off. Loads of over shots and miss hits! Hmmm…won’t follow Lendl or Agassi this year! What can I say….Nadal made it to the 3rd and Roddick didn’t…he lost in the first round. Andy, Andy, Andy.
What WAS wrong with your racket? Sabotage?
On Blake, there was a slo-mo on his forehand…it was beautiful! Mr. Steve, ya would have been proud! It was almost like watching Federer in slo-mo or me...NOT!!!! Hmmmm……
BTW – What’s up the ‘no more photos of Nadal since he lost’ thing? SOUTH! Great ones of Blake! Well…never mind…found them!
Random: Just saw Nick Bollettieri on screen! Yo Nicki!!! I'm sure he remembers me...NOT!!
Random: These ‘Emerald Nuts’ commercials…hee, hee! Very funny!! British ad company? Probably or influenced by! OH, and the IBM commercials…whoa…a bit scary!! One day the boxes WILL probably drive! AND Andy’s Mojo?…so scary in a completely different and (pause for effect) ‘oh please no’ way!!
OH and another BTW:
AGASSI's STILL IN!!!!!!!Oh yeah, my dad’s faith wavered but mine NEVER did!! Stephi I’m sure was proud! Berdych…he was a little twerpy today! 19, like Nadal, but without the sound emotional backbone. Completely transparent!! Hello! He (Berdych) is, as Mac said, “DANGEROUS!!” Loads of potential! (another one for you Julie) Like lightening trying to strike!!
That's me...and the definition of most of MY game!
BTW - Oh and check the ?secure file!?