
Showing posts from November, 2014

Ty Herndon is Steamy!

Ok! A few minutes ago my sister texted me that Ty Herndon came out…of the closet! My first reaction? Finally! I can’t count the number of friends (and family members) I have in my life who struggled with their true identity. We ALL know someone. Now, why should I care that another celebrity came out? Because I was lucky enough to be a dancer in one of videos back in the day! (1999 to be exact!) Were there questions about his sexuality? Yes. Did we care? NO! All I’m going to say is that he was FANTASTIC to work with! Such a great individual and all-around nice guy! And SO TALENTED!! So to Ty! I’m sorry it took you this long to be comfortable to openly discuss all this, but I wish you even better success in your life and career!! People Magazine Article: Oh and here’s that video! Enjoy! (hee, hee….LAWD that was a bit ago!) via WordPress

At Last…

Here is the first song up from the Diary of Mrs. Cobb. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel for more videos. At Last  (1941) Mack Gordon & Harry Warren Karmyn Tyler – Vocals Daryl Kojak – Piano Jim Vern – Video via WordPress