
Showing posts from 2010

Simply AWFUL!

Cold and Flu season! I swear every year I'm ill at Christmas! Some years it's worse than others! This year is one of those WORSE! Grrr! I've having my second battle with the cold bug this year! The first time, it settled in my ears; this throat! Grrr! A laryngeal infection. WHY ME!!! It's my second day of laryngitis and this time....there really is no voice! Yesterday it felt like a golf ball was in my throat. Today it feels like a marble on fire! I am working on a film though! It's called The Blob! Seriously the things coming out of my throat and sinus is a horror flick! Poor Kitty is confused! He doesn't understand why mommy is making such awful noises AND why she can't make it stop raining!! :) But his lovings make everything all better! :) So, just an FYI..... WASH YOUR HANDS! DON'T TOUCH YOU EYES OR NOSE UNLESS YOU HANDS ARE WASHED! IRRIGATE YOUR SINUSES CHUNK YOUR OLD TOOTHBRUSH (and use a new one when your better) CH...

Just recorded "Two Words" this morning! Hope you like it!!

So I got to record today with the AMAZING Jeff Urband at his studio in North Hollywood! He's worked with Bonnie Raitt and her father for years! He's just an UNBELIEVABLE talent! I'm VERY honored every time I get a chance to work with him!  We worked on a song called Two Words for a wedding!! I hope I embedded it correctly!! :) :)

Hide yo kids, hide yo wife!!

*If you DON'T know what autotunes is, go here: ! Now, I used to say I'm not a fan because it makes people who CAN'T sing, be able to!! SERIOUSLY!! It MAKES you stay on a pitch even if you are tone deaf! In fact, the MORE tone deaf you ARE....the better you sound!! My issues on people using it in a live performance is a WHOLE other blog but, THIS *cheese* is FUNNY!! 2 brothers grabbed this news spot in Huntsville, AL and autotuned his voice! OMG!! It's AWESOME!! The BEST thing on youtube right now!!! Seriously EVERYONE'S a star!! Another thing, these guys now have the song on iTunes and it's CLIMBING the charts!! The brothers are splitting the money with Antoine, the brother's victim! RAW footage NOT AUTOTUNED ! Autotuned VIDEO to WATCH!! All I gots ta say is....I wonna T-SHIRT!!! :)

NEXFLIX iPod iPhone App is HERE!!!

OMG!! I've been waiting for this for AGES!!! (Okay, since last Christmas!) But now....I'm SOOO happy!! YES you have to have a subscription! And since I got rid of cable.....NETFLIX has been AWESOME!! A SMALL monthly fee and LOADS of movie/TV shows to watch!! It's SO awesome!! I think Hulu is $9.99 which is $1.50 more than Netflix's lowest package. Hulu is still free online so far. I'm sure it won't be the beginning of next year! I could be wrong. You can start watching a stream on your computer then pick up where you left off on your iPod touch and vice versa Anywho! Go to your iPhone or iPod Touch App and search for Netflix! (yeah!!!!) And here's link of the retweet I did from @davepeck THANK YOU DAVE for your tweet!!

Too early for me!

BUT...I can wake mommy up at 6am!!! OMG!! ;) (but I love it!) Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

Evening work and nap!

Chris and Sk work hard on Chris's next book! Sk thinks he's contributing just the right amount of snooze! :) Did I say book? I meant next Bejeweled score! ;) Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

At the studio!

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry® Me sitting for the preliminary sketch! Very excited! Lance is SO awesome! This Sunday at Comic-Con he sketches me live! At the Inkpenmutations booth! Whoo-whoo!! :)

A Life size painting of ME??

So, I'm am being honored this next weekend by being painted LIVE at Comic-Con! (Yep, I'm serious!!) How cool and weird is THAT! Artist, Lance Richlin , will be doing a LIVE painting of me on Sunday, July, 25th at Comic-Con in Ssn Diego! He is an AMAZING artist. He has an award winning book on how to draw as well as being on the Jimmy Kimmel Show!! I am SO lucky!! OMG!! If you're in the San Diego area this weekend, come on by the Ink Pen Mutations booth at Comic-Con and come see me get painted!! COOL!!


I just don't have the time to fiddle with Wordpress! So.....I'm changing everything to Blogger!! I found this AWESOME site that helped me with the process! ROCK IT TO THE MOON!!! More later! From Blogharbor to Wordpress to BLOGGER!!! AWESOME!

Wimby widget link!!! . I was was every other tennis the 11 hour and 5 minute LONGEST MATCH IN THE HISTORY OF TENNIS, so I posted the wiget! ALSO, I'm LIVE this Sunday on Ustream! Call in via Skype and let's talk!! :) Ustream link: My Skype: karmyntyler Go ahead and let me approve you on Skype! It just makes it easier! :)

Read Unread Gmail Emails FAST!

So, I, like everyone else in the universe who's had email since the 90's, try like crazy to organize my email! In Yahoo, I can easily check my unread messages, so many times on my iTouch, I'll just forward them to an email that I never give out! WELL, I had a genius moment today. Google my problem.....duh!!!! And I came up with this website that will effectively SAVED MY TIME!! Google Tutor Basically when you go to your gmail account search box: Simply type in, "is:unread" And BOOM! All of your unread emails show up! So now....when I need to get back to an email via my home computer....I can! :) Have a GREAT day! Karmyn PS - Remember to click on the "Search Mail" button. :)

Happy New Year

Well, it's the new year. Technologically I have been poo-pooed on. My hard drive for my Karmyn Kast is still gone and I've been pretty bummed about it all. Thinking of going back to audio. Not sure. Updates: I'm blogging this from my new itouch. Thank you mom, dad, and Diane! It is pretty darn cool. It's easier than taking my computer around everywhere. ALSO I cut my hair. I cut it ALL off! I hope to have photos soon, but we will have to see. I do hope everyone had a great holiday. I went back to Texarkana and had a fun, but busy time. I'm changing things up this year. It's time for change. :) Signing off.