Simply AWFUL!
Cold and Flu season! I swear every year I'm ill at Christmas! Some years it's worse than others! This year is one of those WORSE! Grrr! I've having my second battle with the cold bug this year! The first time, it settled in my ears; this throat! Grrr! A laryngeal infection. WHY ME!!! It's my second day of laryngitis and this time....there really is no voice! Yesterday it felt like a golf ball was in my throat. Today it feels like a marble on fire! I am working on a film though! It's called The Blob! Seriously the things coming out of my throat and sinus is a horror flick! Poor Kitty is confused! He doesn't understand why mommy is making such awful noises AND why she can't make it stop raining!! :) But his lovings make everything all better! :) So, just an FYI..... WASH YOUR HANDS! DON'T TOUCH YOU EYES OR NOSE UNLESS YOU HANDS ARE WASHED! IRRIGATE YOUR SINUSES CHUNK YOUR OLD TOOTHBRUSH (and use a new one when your better) CH...