
Showing posts from 2009

Happy Thanksgiving! Now where's my kast?

Yes, it's been a long time. The long and the short of it? Family illness (my father is recovering perfectly - praise God!), I've been working (praise God!) and I have not had a lot of time. I honestly have 3 podcasts ready, BUT as I was getting the first one edited, one of my extended hard drives started acting strangely. I took it in's not looking good. For some reason it won't boot in my computer and it makes other computers crash. My LIFE is in that drive. My computer guy said I could pay $800 (WHAT!) to take it to a special transferring place. And one of his clients paid $15,000 to get that done. (The client? James Cameron.) Well, I don't have that kind of money, so he's (my computer guy) making a few phone calls to HP to see what can be done. I am grateful for a lot of things! And if the drive is lost for good, I'll have to start ALL over. All over. Not just with my kast, but also my music, my professional photos, resumes....everyth...

My Birthday!

I’ve already been getting birthday wishes, and heck I had a terrific day today!! I just HAD to share what Wes Allen wrote for me!! Thank you Wes!! You are wonderful!! Your Wish If you made a wish, what would it be. Your whole world can be whatever you please. Of the wishbone, you have the biggest half. Anything you want is yours, Karmyn Kast. Your accomplishments are tremendous. Our gifts from your heart are fine. Your life is a big celebration all the time. I’m happy to know you, pleased that you’re a part of my life. I wouldn’t give you up for anything. You’re so sweet and nice! Wes Allen, The Memory Specialist Visit here to see the September 11th Memorial

New York New York!

So if you read my Twit today...I saw a baboon's......THING! Wow! I forget that animals could care less! The Bronx Zoo was fun, but it was "Pay what you think" donation day so EVERYONE and their kid was there!!! I honestly got a little claustrophobic! Grr!! But the animals were SO cool! The tiger exhibit was closed and that made me sad. I was hoping to see a bangal tiger like Skinny Kittie! I DID see a snow leopard, but it was hard to get a picture. Again SOOOOO many people! Still recovering from the night flight. A little tired. I'm taking it easy the rest of the day. We go to the US Open tomorrow night and I'm SO very excited. Of course we have NO idea who we are going to see, but I don't care. I just want to BE there!!! Also 11 Madison Garden is SO fine! The best meal I've ever had hands down! It's hard to even describe!! Wow!! WOW!!! Anywho, day 3 and I'm just getting started!!! :)

1st Wordpress Post

After long consideration, I've decided to leave blogharbor and go to WordPress. Bottom line? It's free and Blogharbor is at lease $80 a year. Granted I may have to add more MBs to my .NET site, but that will NOT be $80 (or even close) as I've already found out. Anywho, this will be a work in progress and you can keep up with it via: I understand that there is loads I can do, but....I'm not sure how to do it all just yet. So you may come back to find things all different! I'm just glad that EVERYTHING came over in the export! (Yippee!) So far (aside from getting a Google Ad widget that works) all has been MUCH better than blogharbor! So, Goodbye Bloghorbor, HELLO Wordpress. BTW - That means no more posts on Blogharbor and it should cut off in September.

Mevio Player

Image NOW OPEN!!

I'm SO excited!! I've been meaning to do this for a LONG time and's DONE! is now ready, open and WORKING! AND I have a sale going on til tomorrow! But no worries! If you sign up to my newsletter you'll get coupons and freebies! :) Yeah!!! Anyway, even if you don't buy, come by, window shop and sign up!! You'll be glad you did!! (Doing the happy dance!) Thank you!!!! Karmyn PS - Yes, I built it with help from my friend's book! Yes, it's SSL secure and ALL payments go through Pay Pal so that CC info is NOT stored on my server! (I think it's safer that way!!) :) **This is a double post. If you are signed up to one of my other sites, please forgive me for the double notice!**

Karmyn Kast 43 - More Sex?

Another episode of the Karmyn Kast is up! To see it, you can download it from iTunes or go to . Here are the shownotes: Alasdair -OMG the Call-ins!!  DON'T CLICK HERE! -Talk about going to see Nine Inch Nails ! -Tweeting your way to a job? -More Strange News -Instinct Issue resolved:  - Thanks Ricky D Promo - Call Me - 206-337-1578 Butterscotch's Review on Star Trek Brando does it again! Van Wyck

Karmyn Kast 42 - I think is ALL works now!

(Deep Sigh) I do believe that KK42 is up in (almost) all places! I believe I have Odeo to upload to as well. Honestly if I would just streamline, all of this would be so much easier! Well, I'm VERY interested in what everyone thinks about this kast, because something quite interesting is going SO many ways! So Call In!!!! 206-337-1578 and let me know!! Places you can view: iTunes Also, I have created a 10 minute preview on YouYube! (Since you can only put 10 minutes on YouTube!) Just starting with that! So no profile stuff yet! PLUS, (hee, hee!) I'm looking at streamlining my websites for quicker loading/streaming loads! What a mess! Anywho, let me know what you think!! Call In!!!! 206-337-1578

FINALLY!!!!! KK40 works on Mevio!!!

After literally 3 months (and in between a crazy work schedule) KK40 FINALLY works on Mevio!! GOOD LAWD!! What did I do? 1) Rendered show into an AVI file from Vegas 2) Re rendered it in Quick Time to Apple TV 3) Uploaded it in Safari for Windows! So if there's anyone else out there having an issue on a Windows Media Computer.....there ya go! Have fun!! Peace Out!!

Karmyn Kast 40 - No Cat Fashion Shows!

Get thee to ! :) FINALLY another podcast! (good grief!) Let me know what ya think! Video links and audio only available at Video at: iTunes Mevio and