A new and quite intriguing friend of mine jokingly gave me an article on the newly re-united (did they ever break-up?) boy band I so loved in my tweens, NKOTB or New Kids on the Block. I didn’t expect a rave review…no…rather their “re-uniting” smelled of desperation (notice I didn’t say “reeked with”). But really now, the boys…now men…do deserve some kudos for getting back on the stage…together! For you see from my now learn-ed view of that music era that their overproduced pop no-talent sound had some meaning in my tweeny life! Most of us have those shallow moments of youth. (Okay, we all do and there are a lot of ‘em!) You know, those moments of hormonally driven feelings that further encourage sexually curious brainwaves. And who better for our parents to swoon over? Some guys we’ll never be able to have! (Talk amongst yourselves!) But after all this time to come back on stage and reunite? Hmmm…not sure whose idea it was, but if I were in the room, I’d have a different type of reuni...