
Showing posts from May, 2008

Just checking!

I'm just making sure I have this mobile thing down from my cell! Karmyn sent via mobile phone

a CRAZY month!

Well June is going to be a crazy month for me! Loads of traveling and not much time to check emails! So I wanted to let everyone know that if I do not answer your email quickly please understand that I may not be able to! Seriously this month I'm doing something almost everyday!! I will have access to email, but I may not have the time until July to answer back!! I'm so sorry about this! I do get plain text emails via my cell phone and I'm able to respond that way! I do have some things going with some folks...and you know who you are...and I have those emails tagged and will try to get back asap! Looking forward to July's podcast with LOADS to talk about!! YEAH! Thank you so much! Karmyn PS - Wondering WHAT I'm doing? :) Check out the latest podcast! to view the video or call 831-480-3923 to listen!

Remote controlled sperm!

Remote controlled sperm! Mobile post sent by karmyntyler using Utterz .    Replies .   mp3

New Kids on the WHOA!

A new and quite intriguing friend of mine jokingly gave me an article on the newly re-united (did they ever break-up?) boy band I so loved in my tweens, NKOTB or New Kids on the Block. I didn’t expect a rave review…no…rather their “re-uniting” smelled of desperation (notice I didn’t say “reeked with”). But really now, the boys…now men…do deserve some kudos for getting back on the stage…together! For you see from my now learn-ed view of that music era that their overproduced pop no-talent sound had some meaning in my tweeny life! Most of us have those shallow moments of youth. (Okay, we all do and there are a lot of ‘em!) You know, those moments of hormonally driven feelings that further encourage sexually curious brainwaves. And who better for our parents to swoon over? Some guys we’ll never be able to have! (Talk amongst yourselves!) But after all this time to come back on stage and reunite? Hmmm…not sure whose idea it was, but if I were in the room, I’d have a different type of reuni...


If you want to know the actors' side of negotiations SAG is doing a great job at our website! . In particular, check out the awesome job that Doug Allen did talking about the Negotiations process update on SAG-TV: Also, watch Alan Rosenberg as he talks about the suspension! I think he's doing a FANTASTIC job as president!! This is a great way for us to stay connected with our guild! There is still a LOT to be done!!

Pop that body

Pop that body!!?? Mobile post sent by karmyntyler using Utterz .    Replies .   mp3
Mobile post sent by karmyntyler using Utterz .    Replies .   mp3

AMPTP Suspends Negotiations with Screen Actors Guild

This was just emailed to all of the SAG members! FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AMPTP Suspends Negotiations with Screen Actors Guild Guild Offers to Continue and Negotiate "Around the Clock" to Complete Deal Los Angeles, May 6, 2008 -The AMPTP suspended negotiations with Screen Actors Guild today over the objections of SAG's negotiating committee. The committee had urged that the AMPTP continue discussion and had offered to negotiate around the clock if necessary in order to secure an agreement. The AMPTP declined to continue negotiations with SAG claiming that it was necessary to turn their attention to negotiating with American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA). Screen Actors Guild National President Alan Rosenberg said, "It is unfortunate and deeply troubling that the AMPTP would suspend our negotiations at this critical juncture. We have modified our proposals over the last three weeks in effort to bargain a fair contract for our members. We are committed...

Vote for Dave Barnes on Mtv!!

Hey!! Got an email from Razor & Tie about the competition! Go to Mtv to vote for his video! Just scroll down a bit and as of right now, he's the second photo down! Guys here's Dave Barnes "Until You" video!! How cool!!!!

The Leona effect!

She is absolutely the best pop vocalist I have ever heard! Raw talent, hands down! Unbelievably amazing! Even when she's ill she sounds better that most of the pop divas of the day at their best! Who an I talking about? Leona Lewis! winner of the The X Factor!! (Simon's UK version of an Idol competition) I first heard of her on a Yahoo rss feed and didn't think much about it! Some new singer touted to be the "next best thing" is constantly in our foreground as the music industry attempts to discover the next new music-pop-culture phenomenon! The next is when my [vocal] student Rachel went on and on about how awesome she is! [Understand that Rachel currently goes to an Arkansas magnet school where she is exposed to a LOT more culture than most young women in the south.] So in my free time I began to follow her [Rachel's] advice and YouTube her! And I was SIMPLY AMAZED!! Not only was she a powerhouse vocalist she was unusually humble (and not falsely so)! Whic...

Entertainment News!!

Here are some articles of interest! "Blair Witch" director aims to repeat suspense hit SAG, studios to talk Saturday Local films loosen studios' global grip and finally... MARIAH CAREY and NICK CANNON married!


I poo-pooed an audition! Oye!!! Mobile post sent by karmyntyler using Utterz .    Replies .   mp3

Facebook Security Scare!!

Check this short video out! I got it from my friend Jim Farley!! People can use a Facebook game to get your personal info to get to your PRIVATE account information and rob you BLIND! BE CAREFUL what you "play with" on Facebook! Or anywhere else for that matter!!!