Since I've been here, I've started to miss things I can't get here! And of ALL things? Muscadines!! I found some juice here at the health food store and it's AWESOME!!!! here's bit of science to back up my love for this stuff!! The juices & wines are AMAZING! Of course, it may be an acquired taste! This was taken from the health link at : Muscadine Grapes--New Health Food? Scientists with ARS and Mississippi State University have found significant amounts of resveratrol in the skin, pulp, and seeds of muscadine grapes. Resveratrol is the compound in French wines said to lower cholesterol and the risk of coronary heart disease. In the Southeast, muscadines are grown to make juice. But the researchers are now using muscadine waste from juice processing to make products like muffins, jams and granola cereal. One-half serving (two ounces) of unfiltered muscadine juice, one serving of muscadine jam, one medium muscadine muffin, or one-tenth ser...