Eban Pleeeeeze Forgive Me!!!!
I am SUCH a dork!! It’s been one of those loooooong days that you have in your life when your brain is just...tired! Or here in the Ark-La-Tex we say “tarred.” So I had an interview with David Jackson of The Musicians Cooler ! (AWESOME site by the way!! If you want to know about music and podcasting...check him out!!!) So while I was...hopefully...giving some useful information, David asked me about the podcats I listened to and enjoyed! I think I mentioned everyone but EBAN !! What a dork am I!!!! The interview doesn’t go up until Monday, but I only hope that Eban will forgive me!!!! I emailed the MP3 to David in desperation!! OYE! I’ll just let the MP3 say it for me!!! (AH! I’m so disappointed with myself!!) (grovel, grovel, grove!!!!!!) Eban I luv you the most-est, man!!!