
Showing posts from August, 2005


Had a most awesome experience today! The internet radio station “” in the UK played me out over the air waves! It was pretty surreal!! On Wednesdays they play indie artists and Dee (an awesome DJ by the way) got in touch with me to take a listen and played Guilty and Summertime…twice!!! The listeners seemed to really enjoy it! (Great Chat room by the way guys!!) Try to tune in between 4pm-6pm CST; 10pm-12midnight BST on Wednesday. I just found out that I will be out next Wednesday, but I will try to chat again soon! I WILL however be talking with Dee live on October 26 th at the same time!! Very excited!!   Here’s a link to follow:   (Hey Wayne in the UK ! Sorry I missed ya! Will catch ya later!)

Meghan Miller WINS 1st Miss America's Outstanging Teen!!!!

I am SO excited!! OUR Teen, Meghan Miller, WON!!!  I am so honored to be a part of this moment in time!! WOW!! I had the same feeling about her that I did about Faith Jenkins (1st runner up to Miss America.) I'm so proud!! For more pictures please go to: . Not only is she talented, smart, and beautiful, she's a sweet young lady!! Here she is being crowned by the current Miss America, Deidre Downs. Meghan not only won the overall crown, she won preliminary evening gown (designing her own dress), preliminary talent, overall talent, and from what I hear, overall interview! You go girl!!!



Annie in Eureka!

Here's my beautiful child with me on vacation!! Isn't she gorgeous!!!